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Student Expectations

Creating a Positive School Climate for Social Emotional Development and Academic Success


Student Expectations
In Preschool we do not follow the Code of Conduct, however we do teach expected behaviors and help students learn positive behaviors so they develop those skills that will help them be successful learners for the rest of their educational journey.
What is MTSS?
We implement Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS). MTSS is a framework designed to meet the needs of the whole child through an integrated, multilevel prevention system that optimizes team-based leadership and data-driven decision making to meet the academic and nonacademic (e.g., behavioral, social and emotional) needs of all students. Educators provide high-quality, core academic instruction and nonacademic practices as universal supports to all children. School teams use a universal screening process to identify students who need additional help, and they deliver evidence-based interventions and supports that match student needs and are informed by ongoing progress monitoring and additional formative assessments.
What do we do for all students (Tier 1)?

We teach, encourage and recognize the behaviors we want to see students exhibit.  The foundation of our PBS program at the Bush, Darley and PS duPont sites is Growing Together.  Students are expected to follow the COMMITMENTS:

We are SAFE * We are KIND * We are HELPFUL 


Classroom Expectation