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While preschool does not have a “uniform” dress-code, children should be dressed to play and move freely.  Their outfits should take in account their personal ability to be independent (belts, snaps, zippers, etc.).  Outfits also need to be appropriately fitting so that clothes are not overly tight or so loose that they fall as the child walks or runs.  Keep in mind learning and play can be messy, so clothes will sometimes get stained.
Shoes should be sturdy, closed toed and well-fitted for everyday wear; sneakers are best.  Crocs, sandals and boots can pose a safety risk in the classroom, on the playground and during motor group.
Please send your child to school in weather appropriate clothes.  We will go outside most days so appropriate jackets, coats, mittens and hats will be needed in the fall, winter and early spring.